Friday, October 9, 2009

My portrait paintings

This first one is my very first portrait painting, second painting all together. Its my son, 7mo old at the beach. In the actual photo, he was in my front pouch so I had to change the background a bit. This painting has been editted since, but being that its at my parent's house now, I need to get the most recent version - only the background has been slightly adjusted.
This picture, is my son lying in the grass in our backyard. I still have a little bit of work left on this one, his lips and I'd like to add a little more depth to the grass.

This is a picture of my mother-in-laws three grandkids. I still have some touch ups to do on this one - Both Caden and Michelle's cheeks just need a little bit of tweaking, but you get the general idea of it. Even considering, it captures them pretty well. For this one I took three separate photos of the kids, and then set them up in the painting to look like they were actually sitting together. I changed their backround and shirt colors to go with the red-white-and-blue theme my mother-in-law decorates with.

This next one, I wanted to make a painting of Caden for my own house, but kindof couldn't see having a life-like looking painting of him in my own home. So I decided I wanted to do a profile picture of him, but incorporated different colors and give it depth of colors. So this is what I came up with.
This one is for my brother's Christmas present. I honestly didn't know what to paint him for Christmas. I know he loves Anime - but what kindof Anime picture do you paint??? What anime does he like??? And then I thought, I could make him his own anime character, and since he is in the military, I thought I'd do a military anime. Other then the accidental two tones of skin, this one is done. But I have til Christmas to modify so leaving it as is for now.

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